Sunday, 24 November 2013

Training yourself to teach or learn by investigation.Part 1

I was trained at Keele university by some fantastic mathematicians. They were able to direct investigations of even the most simple of concepts through to degree level maths. To this day I am still attempting to repeat this process, I am sure they had the advantage as we were all on a course to learn how to teach maths, so all able at the subject and confident in our abilities.

Simple maths under pressure

This is a great little resource for anyone.

Plans, plans and more plans #GTAUK

What am I looking for from the Google Teacher Academy?

Google Teacher Academy

Following an invite to attend the next Google Teacher Academy in December 2013 London, I feel motivated and compelled to start what has lingered at the back of my mind for years. I am a teacher of Mathematics at the Isle of Portland Aldridge Community Academy in Dorset, England.